How to pay with Crypto?


Last Update één jaar geleden

  1. Navigate to
  2. Select a product and press the "Purchase" button.
  3. Choose number of logs and click "Buy Now".
  4. Select "Cryptocurrency" from the gateway list and then click "Continue"
  5. Fill up your real email address; it will be used to deliver the logs.
  6. Click "Pay now" and wait for the invoice to be created.
  7. You will be taken to Coinbase E-Commerce, where you can complete your payment.
  8. If you utilize Coinbase, you may choose "Pay with Coinbase" to accelerate the procedure; otherwise, you must select one of the offered coins.
  9. After selecting a cryptocurrency by clicking on it, you will discover that you must pay a certain amount to a precise address.
  10. Make sure you send the same amount within 60 minutes; if you do not send the same amount to the address provided, the order will be listed as cancelled.
  11. Wait for product delivery after you've made the payment. You are free to close the window and do anything you wish. As soon as a transaction is validated on the blockchain, logs will be delivered to your email.



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