How to pay with CashApp?


Last Update 1 ปีที่แล้ว

  1. Navigate to
  2. Select a product and press the "Purchase" button.
  3. Choose number of logs and click "Buy Now".
  4. Select "CashApp" from the gateway list and then click "Continue"
  5. Fill up your real email address; it will be used to deliver the logs.
  6. Click "Pay now" and wait for the invoice to be created.
  7. Scan the QR code that appears on your screen.
  8. Send the exact amount of money indicated.
  9. Don't forget to include the note that the website instructs you to provide; without it, we won't be able to validate the transaction and the money will be lost.
  10. As soon as you've made the payment, logs will be delivered to your email.

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